Friday, July 2, 2010


You are driving me out of my mind

Insane I get every time I know you more

A part of life, a part of my life

I love you even more now that I have realized

Its just you and me against the world

Bonnie en Clyde baby

When I close my eyes

Am reminded of you

And the little joy

We both share.

I’m reminded of us

And the warm love

We both understand.

Give me that 1st kiss

And embraces that we both long for.

Just when

I close my eyes

Because when I open,

My thoughts are blanked with reality

Of the fact that

The distance separates us

When I see a wishing star

I’d wish to now the day ill die

So that I’d run to the open fields

Thank God for the life that I’ve lived

Then I’d run to you my love

Tell you that ill always love you

And ill always keep you close

In my heart.

I want you to be

The one you tell secrets that

No one else knows.

The one to share my warm laughs

The one i cries with.

The one everyone knows he is mine

And am his.

I love you Ed.

1 comment:

  1. i think you are a serious lover as like mine...
    Great hats off to you my dear friens
