Tuesday, July 13, 2010


My Pillow gazes upon me at night
Empty as a gravestone;
I never thought it would be so bitter
To be alone,
Not to lie down asleep in your arms.

I lie alone in my silent house,
The hanging lamp darkened,
And gently stretch out my hands
To gather in yours,
And softly press my warm mouth
Toward you, and kiss myself, exhausted and weak-
Then suddenly I'm awake
And all around me the cold night grows still.
The star in the window shines clearly-
Where is the manly scent I am used to,
Where are you?

Now I drink pain in every delight
And poison in every wine;
I never knew it would be so bitter
To be alone,
Alone, without you.

And now with your today’s disappearing acts
Something goes amiss
I wonder what is this that occupies my mans mind
Talk to me, come to me, be with me
Because I cannot bare this loneliness

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